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Everyone is welcome to any of our services. Below are details of our regular weekly services. Details of any special or seasonal services are available with the following button(s).

Regular Services

Every Sunday morning at 10:30am

Sunday morning (family) worship normally led by the minister at Solihull, or by another minister in the Birmingham Circuit, or by a local preacher.

Normally on the second Sunday in the month, the service includes the sacrament of Holy Communon.

Second Sunday in the month at 6:30pm

Space for Quiet Reflection: This is an opportunity for quiet contemplative individual prayer. [This time was previously called Prayer Space.]

Fourth Sunday in the month at 6:30pm

Service of Holy Communion with prayers for healing.

Every Tuesday morning at 9:30am

Mid-week service of Holy Communion: This is a short service and is held in the Margaret Wharam Room (at the back of the main Church building).