Project 2024-5
Our project for 2024/5 started in October 2024. It is supporting the charity ENTRAIDE (Mutual Aid).
The following is a summary of what Felix Kupay, chairman of Entraide, said at a Lent breakfast in February 2024 at the Church.
Felix started by setting the global context of war, famine, poverty, and oppression that led to around 10M people being currently displaced around the world. He also showed figures from other major economies which demonstrated that many countries take more refugees and asylum seekers than the UK. He had started his work in 2004 when he witnessed the difficulty that displaced people face when they come to our shores, and Entraide became a proper Charity in 2010.
Its wide ranging purpose is promoting the wellbeing of people coming to the UK and facilitating their integration into society. In a wide range of services, the charity offers befriending, advocacy, and help, especially with filling in those forms that confuse us all. It operates across the West Midlands.
More information about Entraide is available here.
1: Measure or speed
2: Dry (like a desert)
3: Point (of a fork)
4: Garden paradise
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