At Solihull Methodist Church, we have a Project each year to raise both funds and awareness for a worthy cause, with events throughout the year. 2017-2018 sees the focus of the Project on two charities helping the homeless:
- Solihull Churches Action on Homelessness (SCAH), and
- The Choir with No Name (Birmingham branch).
These charities were chosen after the congregation was moved to take action after hearing
of the first hand stories of the homeless in our local area. In the past year alone, over 185
vulnerable adults benefited from the CWNN, and they have performed to a cumulative
audience of nearly 4,000 people in Birmingham and the West Midlands.
- Sat January 20th, 19:00 – “Youth Extravaganza” – concert of song, music and poetry featuring
The St Alphege Sing Squad and our talented young people. - Sat February 10th, 19:00 – Skittles night including a delicious supper!
- Sat March 3rd, 19:00 – “ Welcome Spring” – concert featuring The AD concert band
- Wed April 11th, 13:00 – Soupa Talks – A member of SCAH speaking about their aims and objectives
- Sun April 22nd, 10:30 – Homelessness themed morning service with Rev Mark Fisher
from Christ Church - Sat April 28th, 19:00 – Quiz Night with Fish and Chip Supper
- Sat June 30th, 19:00 – “Grand Finale” – The return of ‘The Choir With No Name’ for a night that
promises to raise the roof!