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Lent Breakfasts: March-April 2025


During Lent this year, Churches Together in Central Solihull is organising a series of Lent Breakfasts. These are to be held in the Church Hall of Solihull Methodist Church (Blossomfield Road, B91 1LG). They will all take place on Saturday mornings.

After a simple breakfast, starting at 8:30am, there will be a talk (or discussion) related to an aspect of Jesus’s life, death and resurrection. The talks will follow the themes in the sections of the book Lent and Easter for Everyone by Tom Wright (published by SPCK, 2023).


All are welcome at these events. There is no charge for the breakfast: but donations to cover the costs will be welcome (suggested amount: £3).

The following table gives the date of each breakfast and the theme of the talk. Please note that the first breakfast is on the Saturday before Lent starts, and the last one is on the Saturday after Easter Day; there is no breakfast on Easter Eve, the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Day.

Saturday 1 March
Jesus in the wilderness
Saturday 8 March
Jesus among the crowds
Saturday 15 March
Jesus in prayer
Saturday 22 March
Jesus among friends
Saturday 29 March
Jesus among enemies
Saturday 5 April
Jesus in the city
Saturday 12 April
Jesus on the cross
Saturday 26 April
Jesus in glory