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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, 2025

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  • The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity runs from Saturday, 18 January to Saturday, 25 January.

    As part of this week, Churches Together in Central Solihull is organising a united service. This is planned for Sunday, 19 January, starting at 5:00pm, at St Helen’s Church in St Helen’s Road, Solihull, B91 2DA.

    The speaker will be Rev Steve Faber who is Moderator of The West Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church.

    All are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be available after the service.

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  • Surely Christ has not been divided among you! That is Paul’s rebuke to the Church at Corinth [1Cor 1:13, NEB]. And so it seems that differences and rifts were beginning to appear even in the early Church, and these have regrettably continued over the years.

    A number of ecumenical councils have met to try to resolve controversaries within the Church. The first of these was the Council of Nicaea which took place in AD 325.

    This year, 2025, is exactly 1700 years since that Council, and this anniversary is noted in some of the resource material for the Week prepared by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.

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  • But it is not for these alone that I pray, but for those also who through their words put their faith in me; may they all be one: as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, so also may they be in us, that the world may believe that thou didst send me. [John 17:20-22, NEB]